PDI Science Interface
Since November 2012, the PDI Science Facade has been offering culturally interested passersby in Berlin-Mitte an emotional and direct connection to the institute's scientific research. Situated centrally at Hausvogteiplatz, it's goal is to spark curiosity for science. The institute intends to intertwine themes of high technology into the cultural environment of the Konzerthaus and Gendarmenmarkt – providing an intriguing counterpoint to the traditionally presumed classical high culture found there: "Bringing High-Tech to the City Center," loosely following the creed of the Leibniz Association, which seeks to reintegrate scientific knowledge into society.
The Science Facade is a video installation on five large shop windows on the exterior of the Paul Drude Institute on Fassanenstraße. Every evening, it showcases scientifically inspired short films, creatively depicting current and genuine research findings from the Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics, in collaboration with media artists from PFADFINDEREI. The Science Facade project was financed through funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).