PDI Seminars
New seminars will be announced soon.
November 18, 14:00 CET: Multidimensional data analysis using HyperSpy
PDI senior scientist Jonas Lähnemann will give an overview of HyperSpy and core functionalities, and then discuss two examples of extensions: eXSpy for EDX/EELS and LumiSpy for CL/PL to showcase the power of this toolbox. More…
September 16, 14:00 CET: X-ray Diffraction from Imperfect Crystals
This public seminar is presented by Dr. Vladimir Kaganer, a Senior Scientist working on the theory of X-ray diffraction at PDI. The lecture is a follow-up to Vladimir's Spring session, ‘Introduction to X-ray Diffraction’. More...
June 5, 14:00 CET: Introduction to Phase-field Method and its Applications
This public seminar is presented by Prof. Long-Qing Chen from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Materials Research Institute at The Pennsylvania State University. More…
April 15, 14:00 CET: Exciton-polariton Continuous Time Crystal with an Optomechanical Clock
This public seminar is presented by Dr. Alejandro Fainstein, Professor at Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro in Bariloche. More…
March 11, 14:00 CET: Introduction to X-ray Diffraction
This public seminar is presented by Dr. Vladimir Kaganer, a Senior Scientist working on the theory of X-ray diffraction at PDI. The lecture is suitable for students and will cover the basics of X-ray diffraction. More….
PDI Colloquium Series: 2D Magnetic Materials and Heterostructures
The PDI Colloquium Series is a program of talks that bring experts and researchers together to discuss and explore the latest advancements and interdisciplinary perspectives. The series 2D Magnetic Materials and Heterostructures took place from November 2023 until January 2024 at PDI. More…